陳佩瑩律師是陳韻雲律師事務所合夥人。陳佩瑩律師擁有三十餘年法律從業經驗,在並購、投資、勞動就業、房地產和相關稅務問題等領域經驗豐富。她經常協助跨國公司進行收購、談判和盡職調查,同時就監管事項提供合規建議。陳律師還經常就跨境就業和薪酬事宜提供法律諮詢,並為客戶起草勞動合同、員工手冊及公司規章制度。在房地產方面,她代表客戶進行買賣、租賃,並為信貸和融資協議, 以及證監會合規等提供法律諮詢。
2020-2021 | International Advisory Experts Award, Winner in the M&A Category in China |
2019 | Lawyer Monthly Magazine, Corporate and M&A Lawyer of the Year in Hong Kong |
2014-2018 | Asialaw Leading Lawyer, Corporate / M&A Leading Lawyer |
2014-2018 | Finance Monthly Gobal Awards, Corporate and M&A Lawyer of the Year in Hong Kong |
2014 | International Who’s Who Legal, Management Labour & Employment Lawyer |